
Volume for PlayStation Vita available Friday November 11th

Limited Run #28, Mike Bithell’s Volume, will be getting its physical release on PlayStation Vita next Friday, November 11th. The game is limited to 4800 copies and will include a colored manual. In their newsletter, Limited Run writes:

We’re proud to announce that our limited edition physical release of Mike Bithell’s Volume will be available for sale on Friday, November 11th at 10AM Eastern Time. The game is limited to just 4,800 copies available for sale at $24.99 each. We expect them to go fast so please plan accordingly!

Volume on Vita features a 24-page full color manual and a beautiful gold foil cover. It can safely be considered our most premium release yet. No Vita collection should be without this gem!

Don’t miss out when it is available next Friday, November 11th! A countdown timer is available on the game’s product page if you need help keeping track of when the release will be.


Like previous Limited Run games, this one is bound to sell out quickly, so if you plan on adding it to your collection, be sure to camp in front of the computer when the time is there.

Source: Limited Run Newsletter