God of War II Special Edition
God of War 2 was released in Europe in April 2007, after the PlayStation 3 had already come out. Its release was accompanied by a special edition.
This is one of those special editions whose main appeal is the nice presentation, because in terms of content there isn’t much to see here. The only thing that sets it apart from the regular game in that regard is a bonus disc, featuring behind the scenes footage.
Ad noted before, the most important thing about this edition is its presentation, and it does indeed look very nice. The outer sleeve is kept simple, with a grey stone texture and the title of the game on the front.
Pull out the inner part (fold out box), and you are greeted with lots of colorful, impressive artwork. Kratos can be seen slaughtering his enemies on different sides of the package, with one black and white close up of his face to seal the deal.
It’s always good when the discs themselves have beautiful color prints on them as well.
This is always very nice to see: the plastic disc inlay is left transparent, so even more artwork can be seen through it.
One thing to note about this special edition, is that it’s not rare at all. Like with ICO, this is probably for the most part caused by the HD re-release that came out, which now contains the best version of this game. The good part about this is that if you don’t own this special edition yet, and you like to collect them, you can get your hands on it for a very modest price. And it is a good looking box to have on your shelf.