God of War III Collector’s Edition
God of War III released in Europe in March of 2010. Several editions were made, such as the Ultimate Edition or Media Kit for journalists. The version here, called simply the ‘Collector’s Edition’ was available in Europe for early buyers at the same price as the regular edition.
The game comes in a special box that’s very different (and a lot better) than the regular case, which features a close up of Kratos’ eyes. This case shows an artwork on the front of Kratos raising an enemy, ready to tear him to pieces.
The cool thing about the box is that it has a relief, giving the logo and figures a slightly embossed look. It also has a specific gleam to it, which looks a bit like that of a jewel beetle.
With the outer sleeve removed, the inner box is made to look like it’s been crafted from stone material. The logo is printed on it with a transparent font, probably to make it resemble a stone carving.
When folded open, one side shows a large art work of Kratos flying into the sky. The other side holds the manual and an artwork of one of the enemies in the game. As can be seen on the photo, it looks like the half of the enemy and the half of Kratos fall together in such a way that they look like they belong together. Not sure if this is intentional, probably not, but it’s pretty funny.
When folded open again there’s the disc that holds the game, decorated with colorful artwork.
With everything removed from the case, you can admire three pieces of artworks from different enemies in the game, one of them being behind the transparent plastic of the disc holder.
This edition also comes with three art cards, they feature enemies from the game (two of which are also on the paper case), together with the God of War III logo. Nothing special, but a nice extra.
The game also comes with some DLC (taken from the box): a battle arena and seven unique challenges, and two unique skins.
All in all, this is a pretty nice collector’s edition. Because the regular box doesn’t look very good (though that’s a matter of taste of course) it’s a welcome alternative, and since it didn’t cost more than the game itself at launch, you couldn’t really go wrong with this version. Not really special in terms of extra content, but presentation wise it scores some pretty good points.