Collector's Editions

Lost Planet Extreme Condition Collector’s Edition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was released in Europe in 2007 as an Xbox 360 exclusive, though it would later come to other systems as well. Aside from the regular version, a Collector’s Edition was made available, which includes an art book and a steel case, and early access to free multiplayer maps, as well as a soundtrack cd.

The steel case is protected by a plastic sleeve.


The front contains an artwork of the game’s main character standing in the snow. The back contains a picture of some of a mech from the game. Both are in monochrome style using shades of blue, that give it a cold feeling fitting to the game’s setting. The artworks are actually stickers attached to the case.



An art book is also included, and though it’s pretty small, it’s a nice extra.Lost-Planet-Collector's-Edition-Art-Book




The game also comes with a soundtrack, which is a welcome addition since this game’s musical score is actually really good.


The transparent inner case depicts a scene of Wayne shooting his way through a battlefield.Lost-Planet-Collector's-Edition-Steelbook-Inside

All in all this is a good collector’s edition. The extras are not too noteworthy, especially the ingame ones, as the multiplayer maps were free to begin with (but CE owners had early access). The art book is pretty nice and the soundtrack is one actually worth listening to, so that’s a cool little extra as well. This edition doesn’t seem to have much resale value, so in that regard it isn’t very impressive. On the other hand this does mean you can get it for cheap now, if you’re interested in buying it.