Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2018
2017 was a very good year for gaming, and 2018 is looking like it will be just as strong, with a solid line-up of anticipated titles, and hopefully some surprises, set to release during the course of the year. But which ones look the most promising, exciting and simply fun? Here is our top 5.
Note that this list only contains games that are confirmed to release in 2018 (although delays are always possible, of course).
God of War
With this new installment, director Cory Barlog is taking the series in an entirely new direction. No longer set in Ancient Greece, but in Scandinavia instead, the game will have a very different feel in terms of setting and characters. But perhaps more intriguing is the promise of a new, more personal story for the famous character. Now with a son, Kratos will have to control his anger and rage and guide his child along the way. This franchise needed a refresh to keep it from going stale, and Barlog does not seem to shy away from shaking things up. Only question is… what will be Kratos’ new Plumes of Prometheus?
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6 is said to be the final chapter about Kazuma Kiryu, a story arc that started back on the PlayStation 2. Last year we already got to play the awesome Yakuza 0, a prequel to the story that gave us a taste of what to expect in Yakuza 6. This is the first Yakuza game that was developed solely for the PS4, with an entirely new engine, and it shows: more detailed graphics and a seamless world. The game also introduces an all new area: Onomichi Jingaicho in eastern Hiroshima. Of course, we can also expect tons of side activities and mini-games, as well as the series’ famous wacky humor. Bringing Kiryu’s story to a close, it looks like this could be the most dramatic entry yet, and for those who’ve ever played a game in the series you know that means something.
Detroit: Become Human
David Cage’s games are of a style that you either like or you don’t, but for those that do, the games are very fun with their focus on a branching story where your choices make a huge impact and in which you never quite know what will happen. Quantic Dreams’ games are also know for having spectacular graphics, a tradition that is continued with Detroit. Based on the Kara tech demo that got a lot of positive response when it was first shown for the PS3, Detroit: Become Human tells the story of a society where extremely life-like robots live alongside humans in a subservient role. You will get to play as multiple characters, each of which provides a different perspective on the story and the universe.
Marvel’s Spider-Man
More often than not, licensed games turn out the be less than stellar, but Marvel’s Spider-Man for PS4 looks very promising indeed. Not in the last place because the team working on it is none other than Insomniac, the team behind Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive. From what we’ve seen of the gameplay so far and what we’ve heard from the developers, it looks like this could turn out to be a really great Spider-Man game. It’s an extremely poplar IP that lends itself for a video game very well, featuring free roaming web slinging and melee combat, and in the hands of a capable developer like Insomniac, it’s hard not to get excited about it.
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was an instant classic on the PlayStation 3, with its charming world, touching story, addictive gameplay and of course its beautiful Studio Ghibli aesthetics. This year, after several delays, the sequel will finally be in our hands. Focusing on a new protagonist and introducing a fresh battle system while maintaining the beloved graphical style of the original, this sequel looks like its shaping up to be a great addition to the PS4 line-up as one of the early games of the year. Ni No Kuni II also introduces a new management system that lets players arrange their workforce to create a kingdom that fits their personal style of play, setting it apart from those of other players. Also, the world map will appear in a diorama style, and according to Level 5 CEO Akihiro Hino, this hides a a ‘very big secret related to an important new system’. Sounds intriguing.