Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom King’s Edition
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom King’s Edition
Platform: PlayStation 4
Year: 2018
Region: PAL
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the sequel to 2013’s Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Released in March of 2018, Revenant Kingdom tells a new story, changes up the battle system and introduces new mechanics to the franchise.
In Europe, three versions were available: the regular edition, a steelbook called the Prince’s Edition, and a large collector’s edition called the King’s Edition, the latter being the most expensive and elaborate version by far.
The King’s Edition comes in a large white cardboard box with a colorful artwork printed on the side.
Upon removing the lid, the first thing you’ll see is the album cover of the vinyl included with the game. Instead of a regular CD, you get two of the game’s songs by composer Joe Hisaishi on a vinyl record inside a nice jacket.
The jacket can be opened revealing a paper diorama of the three protagonists in front of the palace in Ding Dong Dell.
From the side you can pull out the vinyl record itself, and this item looks very nice as well, with colorful artwork on one side and gold decorations on the other.
Below the album you’ll find the second item: an impressive hard cover artbook in square format (much like the box itself, and it has the same dimensions as the vinyl cover).
The 148 page book contains gorgeous artworks of the game’s various characters, kingdoms, creatures and enemies, as well as early and unused designs. One of Ni No Kuni’s strong points is its charming visual style, so having a whole book filled with these illustrations is a real treat. The book’s large size also helps to appreciate them even more.
Underneath the book is the ‘second layer’ of contents, containing the other items included in this edition. First of all, the game itself. Unfortunately since this is an edition sold all over Europe that means it features many different warnings and age ratings covering the artwork.
Underneath the game case you will also find a nice looking steelbook.
Inside is a Blu-Ray disc with a making of, and a set of three postcards.
Lastly, this edition comes with a 20cm tall musical diorama figure, basically a music box you can wind up and the diorama slowly spins around while music from the game plays. One side shows Evan on his own, while on the other he is surrounded by his allies and wearing his crown and regal attire. In other words, it shows the ‘Evolution of a King’, which is why the diorama has been given this subtitle.
With a suggested retail price of €149, the King’s Edition is among the more expensive collector’s editions around, but you do get a lot of stuff, and everything feels high quality. You can tell the publisher didn’t skimp on the contents, looking at the impressive artbook, vinyl album and various other goodies. In addition, the season pass is also included. For fans of the game, this is a pretty awesome package.