Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood launched in 2010 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and later for PC. Three versions were available: the regular one, the Collector’s Edition and the Codex Edition, which was the most expensive version, and the one shown in this article.

It comes in a fairly large chest encased by a windowed cardboard box.

This box is meant to represent a marble chest containing important documents. Of course it’s just plastic, but it does look pretty nice. It even has fake cracks and imperfections on its surface, and is richly decorated with ‘stone carvings’.

Once you open the lid you’ll see the inner sides are covered with cloth to protect the contents inside.

There are quite a lot of extras included in this chest. The most notable extra is an ancient looking tome, this is the codex the edition is named after. It’s a 60 page, ‘hand written’ book by Altaïr, describing the history of the brotherhood.

There are two bonus discs: one contains the soundtrack of the game, and the other a making of. In addition, there is a small pack of cards containing information on the different multiplayer characters.

Another extra that’s included is a double sided poster. On one side is an artwork of the game, on the other a map of Rome as it is found in the game. However, due to the fold lines it’s not really something I would hang on my wall.

A DVD is also included, containing a live action movie based on the series called Assassin’s Creed Lineage, showing the history of Ezio’s father.

Then there is an envelope from the Ubi workshop. It shows concept art for different settings in the series, such as China and Egypt.

At first glance it looks like something rather important is missing: the game itself. But it turns out this has been hidden in a secret compartment, a false bottom that can be lifted using a red ribbon.

There is some downloadable content as well: two exclusive single player maps, and multiplayer characters, as well as some armor.

Presentation-wise, the edition is quite well done. The chest looks nice and is actually useful foe keeping everything together. The codex looks pretty cool as well, and seems like it was made with attention to detail. The other extras don’t impress too much though, but it’s nice that they actually put the live action movie on a disc and in its own case instead of just a digital file or something like that. Same goes for the soundtrack. In conclusion, a pricy, but nice looking limited edition.