Collector's Editions

Resident Evil 6 Collector’s Edition

Resident Evil 6 was released in 2012 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Aside from the regular version a special edition was made available as well. While Resident Evil 5’s PAL collector’s edition consisted of only a steelbook, Capcom decided to go all out with this new installment, releasing an enormous bundle with an equally large price tag (although the steelbook that is included was also released separately). North America had a similar one, with some differences, and in a Japan an extremely expensive limited edition was released that costs over $1000. But this right here is the European collector’s edition (Xbox 360 version).

First of all, the box itself looks quite impressive. Not only is it pretty large, but it’s also made to look like some high tech weapon case, with a needle bomb in the lower part. This is only a picture of course, but because of the lenticular printing and the steel-resembling box in the transparent case, it looks pretty eye catching.


On the top you can see one of the main extras you get with this edition: a grey hoodie with the Tall Oaks Ivy University logo on it, which is a location in the game.


And here is the needle bomb box:


Taking out the Needle Bomb Box, you can see a lid on the top. Opening it will reveal the rest of the contents.


Inside are a few things. First of all, the game itself, which comes in the regular case.


There’s also an (empty) steelbook in there. This is the same thing you can buy separately as a cheaper alternative to the collector’s edition (only without the sleeve). It has been decorated with minimalistic artwork of a zombie superimposed over a city.



On the inside of the case is a still frame from one of the game’s cutscenes, showing Chris and Leon pointing a gun at each other.


Some downloadable content is also included: avatar items, including a pretty disgusting avatar companion.


Then there is a small artbook. There are three section in there: character designs, illustrations and environments. It’s nice that the book has a hardcover, but some of the images are really small, barely larger than a post stamp.





Another interesting looking goodie is a display with three zinc alloy emblems in it, representing insignias of the three special forces teams from the game. It even comes with a stand so you can display it on a shelf.


On the back are the (printed) autographs of Hiroyuki Konayashi, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and Eiichiro Sasaki (people who have worked on the game). What’s pretty cool is that each collector’s edition seems to be numbered.

Resident-Evil-6-Collector's-Edition-Forces-Emblems Back

All in all, this collector’s edition is pretty cool and quite unique, but it also was very expensive when it first came out, and the initial price probably wasn’t worth it. But after a significant price drop (I paid just over 50 euros), getting this item seemed a good deal. Some people are probably disappointed that the needle bomb is just a holographic picture, but that’s more or less what I expected. It’s nice that there’s actually a numbered item in there, so you can see how many of these there are (30075 to be exact). Also, it’s cool that you get both the regular case and the steel book with it, aside from the extras that come with this version.
