Resistance 3 Survivor Edition
Resistance 3 was released in September 2011, exclusively for PlayStation 3. Three different versions were available in Europe: the regular version, the Special Edition and the Survivor Edition, which is the one shown here.
The Survivor Edition comes in a huge box that looks like it could hold an entire console. The front has been decorated with the same art that’s on the regular cover: a Chimera skull against a bright orange background, while the teeth form the skyline of New York (where part of the game takes place). So what’s inside?
First of all, the box itself looks pretty cool, bright red and with the decorations as well as ‘damage marks’ in relief on its surface.

Inside the box you will find a sand colored canvas satchel bearing the logo of the game and of the SRPA. Inside this bag are the rest of the goodies.

First of all: the game itself. It comes in a stylish steelbook. Actually this is what you would get if you buy the special edition, just this steelbook (as you can see it says ‘special edition’ below the game’s title).

Inside is the game, the disc is made to look like a vinyl. There’s also an artwork on the inside of the case.

Then there are some extras: a bag of toy soldiers.

A bundle of SRPA playing cards.

And a small notebook that’s supposed to resemble Joseph Capelli’s journal. It contains sketch-like drawings and ‘handwritten’ notes.

Also, a SPRA hip flask.

There’s also a chimera firing range target included, but I kept that one in its packaging.

In terms of digital content, this edition comes with several multiplayer extras such as special skins and weapons.

All in all this is a pretty cool collector’s edition. Some of the goodies you get are actually useful too, most notably the satchel. Others, like the toy soldiers, are less practical and purely collector’s items. What’s nice is that the special edition is included too, and all the contents are neatly stashed in plastic wrappers. This used to be a pretty expensive collector’s edition when it came out, but I was able to get a great deal, and unless you’re a big Resistance fan I wouldn’t say the original price was really worth it. Still, it’s a pretty neat bundle in its own right.